Thursday, July 30, 2015

Post 20: Slacktivism: “Token Displays of Support”

I just learned a new term. I stumbled upon it as I was researching how social media is used to promote causes and issues around the world. I began to read this article “Does Slacktivism Work?”.

We all can observe that social media is a powerful communication tool. Stories spread faster through social media than waiting for the 6 o’clock news. Social media has the ability to grab our attention and even regulate the kinds of conversations we are having with each other ‘around the water cooler’ at work.

Yet, the real question we need to ask ourselves is:

Once social media promotes awareness on a cause, are there subsequent tangible actions that follow?

In other words, do these causes generate more support after being blasted through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.?

I’m sure you have seen posts on Facebook that ask you to ‘share’ or ‘like’ a post if you are in agreement with its message. But once you do those actions, is there anything further that happens? Or if you have just been asked to ‘retweet’ a tweet that promotes awareness on an injustice, what happens next?

Most people say nothing happens next. This is an interesting phenomenon where social media brings issues to light but doesn’t necessary spark action within its users. Some say that when you share, like, and/or retweet, most users feel like they have met their societal obligation. They have shared the message along and have made a contribution.

So how can we repackage our social media message to ignite tangible actions?

One solution is having “charities promote the values underlying their causes if they want to turn more slacktivists into committed, policy-changing activists.”

What do you think?

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