Saturday, July 4, 2015

Post 3 : My RSS Feeder Journey

Well, let me just say that I had no idea how many RSS feeders are out there.
I didn't realize how time consuming this process could be, especially for someone like me who is new to this RSS feed world.

After watching the "RSS in Plain English" I understand why it is important to obtain an RSS Feeder in the first place. I felt overwhelmed when I saw the blogs of my peers in EME 6414 and I could not really fathom how I could efficiently follow these blogs. The reader essentially brings the blogs or feeds to you and cuts out all of the wasted time if you were to look for them one-by-one.

Not every RSS feeder is equal in terms of what they provide and how user-friendly they are. I tried Hootsuite and I have to be honest that I did not like the way it was set up. It was not user friendly for me. However, with further research I came across this article:

I also checked out come of my classmates' blogs for tips on which readers would be easier to use.

That is when I found Digg Reader. It is extremely user-friendly and I was able to upload some of my classmates's blogs in minutes. Wow! What a convenient way to collect and review information as it is being updated.

Finding and setting up this reader has definitely relieved some stress on how I was going to keep up with the pace of this class. What a relief!

Anyone else using Digg Reader? If so, any interesting tips and tricks? I was wondering if I wanted to respond to a blog I would have to click the blog itself and not the actual post. Is there a way around that?


  1. Hi Shiba Inu Owner :)
    I have checked the article that you provided, and found that the author mentioned, among the other readers, the RSS reader called Feedly. I use it since yesterday, and I love it so far. I completely agree with your words about relief that good RSS readers provide. There is one feature that Feedly has, and the author considered it as a disadvantage, but I, actually, think it is an advantage. The feature is that you have to put all your feeds into categories, and I think it makes your feeds more organized. It is important for me because now I use Feedly instead of a whole bunch of websites that I used to check everyday for new posts on a variety of topics (gadgets, education, photo forums, etc). So, I have several categories, and one of them is called eme6414. All my classmates' blogs are in this separate category. I don't know if the Digg Reader has such a functionality, and if it hasn't I would suggest you to check Feedly.

  2. I checked to see if Digg Reader has that functionality and it does not. I will look into Feedly. Thank you for your feedback. :)
